NCAAC gymnastics club in Northampton approached us with their plan to have a 620mm podium installed. This was to contain a tumble track, full vault run, balance beam and a set of A-bars, all dismounting into the main pit area.
The raised podium incorporated a Jersey covered landing area, three sets of access steps and was finished with carpet flooring and sides. Following approval our installation took just over a week and after equipment install the club was back in full use as dictated by our pre-arranged build schedule.

Following our continued success and attention to detail, we have been awarded the Build awards for; 'Gymnastics Facility Construction Experts of the Year 2017', 'Best Building Project Consultancy Services 2017 & 2018', 'Best Gymnastics Equipment & Construction Company 2018', 'Best Gymnastics Equipment Construction Firm - UK', 'Most Unique Solutions in Sports and Leisure 2019' and 'Urban Gym Manufacturer of the year 2019'